Part of the network of American Job Centers of California, OC Workforce Solutions job centers are your one-stop connection to a rewarding new career pathway. Designed for community members who need assistance finding jobs and overcoming barriers, our centers help a wide range of job seekers including laid off employees, long-term unemployed workers, individuals with disabilities, veterans, mature workers, individuals looking to earn their high school diplomas, and others looking to get on the path to a new career.
Our friendly, knowledgeable team is ready to connect you to personalized no-cost services to help you:
• Identify your strengths and interests
• Create an employment plan to reach your goals
• Find and apply for a job
• Train for a high-growth career
• Overcome barriers to employment
• Access support services you need to succeed
OC Workforce Solutions no-cost services are provided through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
Interested in our services? Complete this form.
The federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) connects job seekers to no-cost employment, education, training, and support services designed to help them achieve success in the job market. WIOA training funds are used to assist dislocated workers, adults and youth who need training to find employment.
Basic Career Services
Job seekers have access to no-cost basic career services through our OC Workforce Solutions centers, including:
Skills assessment
Information about job opportunities
Referrals to support services
Free access to onsite computers, internet, phones, copy machines and fax machines
Free Career Workshops
Individualized Career Services
Job seekers who qualify for more intensive individualized career services are matched with a dedicated case manager through the following WIOA programs: adult, dislocated worker, or youth.
Case managers works closely with their clients to create Individual Employment Plans based on unique needs. Individualized careers services may include:
Specialized skills and goal assessments
Career counseling
Work experiences and on-the-job training
Work readiness training
Labor market information
Training Programs and Services
Based on assessment, job seekers may qualify for no-cost training programs and services that include, but are not limited to:
Occupational skills training
On-the-job training
Incumbent worker training
Pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships
Customized training
Follow-Up & Support Services
To support job seekers’ long-term success, our staff provides follow-up services for up to 12 months after employment. This allows us to make sure the job seeker is continuing to thrive and advance in the workplace.
Job seekers may also qualify for additional support services provided by our partners to help them reach their employment and training goals.

WIOA Services are available for adults 18 years or older who need additional help finding a job or preparing for a career. To be eligible for services, adults must all of the following:
Be authorized to work in the U.S.
Meet Military Selective Service registration (males only)
Need career or training services in order to find or keep a job that leads to self-sufficiency

WIOA services are available for dislocated workers 18 years or older who need assistance transitioning to a new career path. To be eligible for services, dislocated workers must meet the following requirements:
Are authorized to work in the U.S.
Meet Military Selective Service registration (males only)
In addition to the above, dislocated workers must be experiencing at least one of the following:
Have been laid off or who have received notice of termination or layoff
Have received a separation notice from active military service
Have been employed but are not eligible for unemployment compensation
Is not likely to work again in their chosen field or occupation.
Is affected by workplace closures
Is unable to remain self-employed due to economic conditions or natural disaster
Is a displaced homemaker
Is a spouse of an active duty service member who has lost work or meet the criteria

WIOA services are available for youth ages 14 to 24 who are experiencing at least one of the following:
Have dropped out of school or are currently attending school
Have been involved with the criminal justice system
Is or at risk of experiencing homelessness
Is in or have recently aged out of foster care
Is pregnant or parenting
Is an individual with a disability(ies)
Have low income
Is an English language learner
Need help to complete an educational program or find a job
“The staff were very patient, listened carefully to my story, and really took the time to get to know me and what I was looking for. They were 100% helpful.”
— Anthony Acevedo