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EDD Work Sharing Program Educational Seminar

12월 11일 (목)



EDD Work Sharing Program Educational Seminar
EDD Work Sharing Program Educational Seminar

시간 및 장소

2025년 12월 11일 오전 10:00 – 오전 11:00


이벤트 소개

Considering employee layoffs? Learn about the Work Sharing program and how it helps to retain skilled employees as a temporary, cost-effective alternative to layoffs.

What is the Work Sharing Program?

Work Sharing is fast, simple, and flexible. With the Work Sharing program, the EDD pays partial unemployment benefits to employees when their employer has to cut work hours and wages. This benefits employers by avoiding the cost of hiring and training new employees when business or the economy improves.

These webinars will cover:

  • What is the Work Sharing program?

  • How the Work Sharing program helps employers and workers during tough economic times.

이벤트 공유하기


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@2022 OC 인력 솔루션

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