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Women Rising Leadership Academy (1)

4월 04일 (금)


Brea Community Center

Application deadline is September 6, 2024. For questions contact Rose Buado at (714) 529-3660 or

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Women Rising Leadership Academy (1)
Women Rising Leadership Academy (1)

시간 및 장소

2025년 4월 04일 오전 9:45 – 오후 12:15

Brea Community Center, 695 Madison Ave, Brea, CA 92821

이벤트 소개

The Women Rising Leadership Academy is a professional development program that explores the issue of the under representation of women in organizational leadership, that the program offers creative and practical solutions to help women oversome the barriers to advancement they are lickely to face in their careers. 

Valued at $6,000. No cost to participant or employer to participate in the Academy. There is a $50 registration and materials fee for accepted applicants. 

Eligibility: Open to all working women for all ages. Space is limited. 

Workshop Topics Include: 

  1. Orientation: Women's Workplace Issues
  2. Insights from Executive Women: Overcoming Obstacles to Leadership
  3. Developing Executive Presence
  4. Salary Negotiation
  5. How to Increase Your Influence
  6. Communication Differences between men and women & how to bridge the gap
  7. Alumni Panel - successes na dlearning lessons from Academy graduates
  8. Workplace 101: the unwritten rules of workplace success

Academy Includes: 

  • Eight intensive workshops
  • Earn the opportunity for five one-on-one coaching sessions
  • A follow-on support group for graduates entering their career
  • Access to professional jobs and opportunities with Brea businesses
  • Upon graduation, access to our WRLA Alumni Community 

Workshop Schedule: 

Specific Fridays

10/14, 11/1, 12/6, 1/10, 2/7, 3/7, 4/4, and 5/2

Deadline to apply is September 6, 2024. Apply here: Women Rising Leadership Academy Application (

이벤트 공유하기


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서비스 제공업체 직원 및 의무 파트너에 대한 평등 기회 교육 정보는 오렌지 카운티 인력 개발 위원회/오렌지 카운티 인력 및 경제 개발부 페이지에서 액세스할 수 있습니다. 


@2022 OC 인력 솔루션

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