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Unemployment Do's and Don'ts for Employers




As an employer, it is important not only to understand this process but also to know your options so you are not left scratching your head. Join us for this information-packed training on the Unemployment process.

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Unemployment Do's and Don'ts for Employers
Unemployment Do's and Don'ts for Employers


2023年11月14日 10:00 – GMT-8 11:00



How is an employer to win in the unemployment arena?  We have all been there before. You terminate an employee for a good reason yet they still receive unemployment benefits. Or, an employee resigns for no reason given, yet the EDD grants them unemployment benefits. As an employer, it is important not only to understand this process but also to know your options so you are not left scratching your head.

Join us for this information-packed training on the Unemployment process. Get a better chance of winning the unemployment claims you should be winning and not wasting your time on those you can’t win. You will learn:

  • How to decide if you should dispute a claim or not.
  • What information should you include when responding to a claim
  • How to prepare for an unemployment hearing
  • The values of witnesses and witness statements
  • And Much More!



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@2022 OC 劳动力解决方案

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